Off again

Posted By admin on Jun 24, 2016 | 0 comments

Well, well. It looks like the UK Pound is plummeting at just about the right time.

It looks encouragingly like I’ll be off to the UK for the third year in a row and a second football-inspired pilgrimage after my 2014 effort.

Again, it’s a little bit inspired by all the international football that’s going on. The double dose of Euros 2016 and Copa America Centenario has been something else. Working from home, as I do, it’s been pretty cool having the TV playing in the background all day. I love just have the noise of football as the soundtrack to my day.

In 2014 it was my mock-bitterness at missing out on Brazil that pushed me onto the plane. Now, if I’m totally honest, it’s the chance to watch Tottenham play in both the Champions League and at Wembley, both things that don’t often happen, that’s dragging me out the door. Along with at least one more game at White Hart Lane before it’s finally knocked over as part of the re-build.

But the Euros and Copa have given a helpful nudge in the right direction.

After a decent look at the Premier League draw and the Champions League dates a mid-October to early-November window seems the perfect time to fly. There are two Champions League rounds scheduled over this period, at least one of which will be at home, while Spurs host Leicester at White Hart Lane and there’s also a round of the League Cup in there somewhere too.

I took Nathan, my eldest son, to a couple of games at the Lane in 2014, so it’s only fair Theo, the next boy off the rank, gets to have a look too. I’m not really sure if my brainwashing of Nathan was overly successful – he mostly played on the phone while we were at the games – but I hold out greater hope for Theo.

I’ve decided that it’ll be a Barlow family tradition to take the kids to Europe when they’re seven… because, well, you know… they’re seven. And, er… okay, it’s mostly about me but I reckon Theo will enjoy it. And I’ve bought myself some time by telling Jean she can take Siena (our two year old) to Siena (the Italian city) when she comes of age.

Nathan and I also went up to Scotland to catch up with a mate. I reckon Theo and I will head over to Northern Ireland for a few days to catch up with someone I played football with once. Marcus: I doubt you’ll read this but if, by some miracle, you do: I’ll be in touch soon. Maybe we can even catch a Warrenpoint game.

I’ve never been to Ireland, so it’ll be nice to see somewhere new.

Football aside, and there WILL be lots of football, I’m looking forward to showing Theo a few of the things he’s only seen in books. Historical things, like castles, piles of stone and the brass cockerel that used to sit on the main stand at White Hart Lane. You know, the important stuff.

So thank you #Brexit voters. My Visa’s loving you already.


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